Friday, March 19, 2010

Update and JC

Hey all! So I know its been a long time since my last update, and I really don't have any excuse for my laziness....other than the fact that I am just lazy. With school coming to an end soon, you can expect some more frequent updates soon. With that said, I should say that I have hit the 50k mark! Which is so much more than I ever expected to have.

Like I said before, I have recently leveled JC. It took me a while (about a week or two) just to figure out the market. Right now, I am not even going to try and get epic cuts. To me there is no point since cata is around the corner, and my server is heavily camped; most cuts only go for about 15 – 20g above, (sometimes the cuts are equal to uncuts). However, JC has still made me a TON of gold. How you might ask? Prospecting saronite ore. Here are some numbers for you. I buy saronite for 15g/stack as my threshold, I usually get it for 13g. I recently bought 2000g worth of ore, prospected it all. After all my manipulating, I got approximately 2.2x the gold invested back (4200g returned). Now you may ask, “Hypoz. How did you make so much gold back!? You're amazing! You're a god! You're so frigging so good looking I just wana roll you up in a ball and tuck you in my pocket!”. Do not fret young one, I will tell you how....right after I get a restraining order. Haha, just kidding. In all serious here is what I do with my gems.

Rubies – On my server, the uncut gems go for 35-45g. The bold ruby goes for 50g, but is heavily undercut. So, I just sell the uncuts to the campers for ~40g.
Autumn's Glow – I cut the +16 defense, the int, the critical strike, and hit gems (can't remember the exact names). Each of these cuts go for ~12-20g.
Sky sapphire – cut into the sold (+24 stam) and the +16 spi gems. Solid sells much better than the spirit gems.
Twilight Opal – Do not sell at all on my server. Most of the time I just cut and vendor.
Forest emerald – again, these do not sell at all. Cut and vendor.
Monarch Topaz – I cut the potent monarch topaz. Sells for ~15g.

So that is what I do with my rares. For my uncommon gems, I do one of three things. I either cut to DE, cut to sell, or just sell.

Bloodstone – I turn these into bloodstone bands and DE.
Chalcedony – Usually sell on AH. Each stack is approximately 120 – 150g
Sun crystal – Turn into sun rock rings to DE
Huge Citrine – Turn into Crystal Citrine Necklace to DE
Dark Jade- Sell on AH for approximately the same price as Chalcedony.
Shadow Crystals – Cut into gems and vendor.

That is the extent of what I do with my gems. Hope you find this helpful in trying to figure out what to do with the saronite on your server, and if it is profitable.

If you have any suggestions about JC, feel free to leave a comment.

Cheers, Hypoz

PS. Still no Crusader enchant drop yet :(

PPS. I have an experiment I wan't to run soon for inchanting, so stay tuned.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Crusader and an Update

So a little update for all of you out there. I just hit the 30k mark! My new goal will be 50k, but I am going to splurge a little, as a present to myself for hitting 30k. I think that I am going to power level JC, just to see what it is like. I know that JC is REALLLLLY camped on my server, but I have a DK with 200 JC; so I may as well right? I also have been trying to farm for the crusader enchant lately, and I must say that I am having absolutely no luck having this drop. I must have killed hundreds of these stupid spellbinders already. Hopefully it will drop soon, cause I see these enchants going for 400g on my server all the time.

Also, I have to ask you other gold maniacs out there, what do you do with your gold? Myself, I am in love with mounts for some reason. I have been trying to get the blue proto, and the green proto since day one (with no luck). I don't have any of the other raiding protos, mainly cause I am not in a serious raiding guild. However, now that I have the gold, I am considering buying a proto run. There's is one guild on my server that sells the runs for about 30k. If I can get 80k or so, I would gladly buy the proto. So what about you? What do you like to spend your gold on? Or do you not spend any gold?


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Inscription time

Anyone who has an inscriptionist knows how much time is needed to make gold. From milling to crafting to posting, its a time sink. However, I have discovered a nice little way to kill some time while milling. This only works for healers. First you get a bag full of your herbs, then queue up for a random. If the tank is capable of not getting destroyed on trash, just start milling! You would be surprised how much you can mill in one run, not to mention hitting two birds with one stone feels great! So try it out, if you have a healer inscriptionist, que up for some randoms and mill the boredom away.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Spreading out.

I know when I started this blog that I had 5000g. My Goal was to double that amount to 10,000g. Not only did I double the amount, I actually doubled it again. One reason for my success (or so I believe) is the fact that I have started to branch out into other markets.
A lot of new AH wannabees read all these blog sites, how to make gold guides, and get told that they can make millions using just one profession. You know what profession I am talking about right? Thats right, inscription. Now don't get me wrong, inscription can make good gold. However, with the countless amount of gold guides out there, just having inscription alone will not make you millions.
Having at least 3 professions is the key to making tons of gold! You can do this multiple ways of course. Some people have three transmute alchemists, while others (like myself) have three different professions, and therefore have three different markets to be involved in.
For example, some days with inscription, I will only make 300g. Not bad, since a lot of the work is AFK work. Now if inscription was my only profession, that might not be the best amount of gold per day. This is where branching into other markets comes in to place. While inscription only made me 300g that day, alchemy could have made me 500g, then enchanting could have made me 1000. Add those up, and you have almost 2000g a day. Some days one market is much better than the others.
I guess my point I'm trying to make is, the more options you have available to you, the more you have to work with. So try it out! If you only have one profession, level another, learn the market (this is key) and watch the gold roll in x2!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New prof

Not much has change since yesterday in gold making. I did however mill and make around 2000 more IoS, which took probably 2 hours. Kind of nice to get all of the milling out of the way; I had tons of herbs in my guild bank for so long. Also, I dropped mining on my DK, and decided to level alchemy. So far I have spent around 2k on the herbs needed....all I need now is frigging stranglekelp! There really is non on the AH. I saw one for going for 10g; not one stack mind you, just one.

Hopefully alchemy will allow for some good profits! Ill update you guys tomorrow on how the leveling went, and how the profits seem to be.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I'm back. Sorry for those who actually read this blog (like there are any readers) for the long break. I kind of got bored of writing about gold making. So I've now decided to just write about pretty much anything that comes to mind. Most days this blog will be about WoW, some days the blog will be about real life issues. Today I am going to recap what has happened the last few weeks in gold making for me.
I now have approx 15k gold in my bank, with about 2000 IoS. Glyphing has been the primary source of my income so far, bringing in a steady 500g minimum a day. Nothing really new in glyphing these days. Herbs are selling ridiculously low at 8g a stack, and there isn't any real campers on the AH right now (crosses fingers). Just the usual people who post a few times a day. The old AH campers seemed to have vanished, probably cause the promise of quick gold didn't happen. I have also been dabbling in the scrolling market these days as well. I was a little weary of going into this market just because I was thinking: well people can get these mats for dirt cheap now, why would they want to spend 200g on something that would cost them 50g? Especially with all the enchanters these days giving away enchants for free. However, I was wrong!!! Maybe people are just lazy, or stupid, but I constantly sell enchants, that cost me roughly 50g to 100g to make, for 100g to 400g. The profit from enchanting scrolls is staggering. Not to mention no AH costs to list scrolls, so you can camp to your hearts content! Anyways, thats all I have to say for now. I might post something tomorrow about some real life topics if I can get around to writing.

Monday, December 21, 2009


So I finally finished my exams and I'm finally able to start writing on this blog again instead of spending countless hours face first in books. First off, one update on the glyph market. So far sales have been going quite well. I make ~400g a day, which is not much...but it takes me ~10 min to post everything once a day. I am at about 7k gold total now! With quite a bit of IoS in the bank, so profits should still roll in.

Also, I got my DK to 80, so i'm going to start leveling JC/BS on him. I honestly don't know much about those profs money wise, but i'm down to learn.

My next post will be on what I think of priests in 3.3, including the changes to shadow!